
East Memphis Rotary History - 2016-2017


President Robert Morehead
Vice President Bliss Hicky
Secretary Richard Marsh
Treasurer Alisa Farmer
President-Elect Mark Griffee
Past President Julia San Roman
Sergeant-at-Arms Terry Dunger

Board of Directors

  • Bob Schreiber
  • Dale McGee
  • Jim Rout
  • John Seabold
  • John Snyder
  • Lee Greene
  • Nina Gourley
  • Ray Brakebill
  • Scott Alford
  • Sean Henneberger
  • Willie Towler

District Governor

Tom Wilson, Memphis East

Rotary International President

John Germ, Tennessee

The year began with 124 members. 

Our support of White Station Elementary School continued with tutoring, Junior Achievement classes, as well as the ever effective “Girls in Pearls” and Guys in Ties” programs.  Several of our members have worked on an outdoor classroom and an attractive garden area for WSE, our adopted school.  Leading this effort has been Richard Large along with many club volunteers.

The 14th annual Dunavant Public Servant Awards event was attended by 500 plus guests.  Honorees this year were Elected Public Servant Stan Joyner, Mayor of the Town of Collierville, and Non-elected Keenon McCloy, Director of the Memphis Public Library and Information Center.   Keynote speaker was U. S. Senator Lamar Alexander, whose attendance brought in many legislators.   This year’s program was chaired by Mark Griffee, Richard Marsh, David Leake and President Robert Morehead.

The club’s golf tournament was held at Galloway Golf course.  Newcomer’s Reception was held at the home of Catherine and Robert Morehead.  Also, Catherine and Robert Morehead hosted a great crowd at their home for our annual Holiday Party.  We hosted six delegates to the Rotary Your Leadership Academy with many of our members serving on the RYLA Committee.

Gift of Life MidSouth (GOL) continued its valuable work with LeBonheur Children’s’ Hospital in providing no-cost pediatric cardiac care.  Twelve children received life-saving heart surgery at LeBonheur during this Rotary year, bringing to 79 total patients brought here for help by GOL.  The organization started as an International Project for RCME in 2007.

The RCME Foundation raised approximately $16,000 in its annual drive.  Grants totaling $17,300 were made to worthy organizations such as:  Gift of Life MidSouth, the Mid-South Food Bank, Neighborhood Christian Center, the Shelby County Crime Program and White Station Elementary School. 

The Membership Committee adopted two new membership categories, Corporate and Junior memberships in an effort to increase membership and bring in younger members.  At the close of the year, we had one corporation membership along with two junior memberships.  Both corporate and junior memberships have been well-received.

At the “Passing of the Gavel” meeting, three new Paul Harris Fellows were named – Tom Love, Wendy VanCleve and John Snyder.  Nina Gourley was named Rotarian of the Year.

Sadly, during this year, we lost two charter members, Dr. Walter Sandusky and Duke Schaeffer.  We also lost two other members, Dr. Julius Fernandez and Michael Sheahan.

At year end our membership was 114.

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