
East Memphis Rotary History - 1998-1999


President William B. Phillips, Jr.
Vice President John Christiansen
Secretary Dan Snow
Treasurer Tom Huddleston
President-Elect King W. Rogers
Past President John Seabold
Sergeant-at-Arms Terry Dunger

Board of Directors

  • Bob Chance
  • Dan Dunaway
  • Jeanette Watkins
  • Jim Weeks
  • Marguerite Malone
  • Rick Charlton
  • Steve Redden

District Governor

Janice Johnson - Tupelo, MS

Total membership on June 30, 1998, was 120. A record four awards were presented to the club at the District 6800 Conference in Tupelo, Mississippi – the RI Presidential Citation for outstanding club participation in the four avenues of service, Rotary’s District 6800 Centurion Giving Award for being first club to exceed $100 per member in giving to the Rotary Foundation, RI Significant Achievement Award in recognition of outstanding community service (the first club in District 6800 ever to receive this coveted award), and the Rotary Foundation District Service Award presented to President Bill Phillips for outstanding service.

Paul Ball, the most successful fundraising campaign to date, was launched, raising $13,000 enabling the club to name 13 Paul Harris Fellows for a total of 17 new Paul Harris Fellows this year. The Memphis Literacy Council was adopted as a new project. Wilson Blake again chaired a successful Youth Leadership Conference at Whispering Oaks in Olive Branch. Fern Hallett of the Ronald McDonald House and Emily and Karl Krohn from the Alzheimer’s Adult Day Services were named Citizens of the Year. Hosted for second year Danish students who were attending State Tech. Hosted child transplant candidate. Group Study Exchange members visited from Argentina. RCME sponsored Leah McCollum as GSE member to Argentina. Holly Shotwell was named Georgia Avenue’s Teacher of the year. Rob Black and Tommy Floyd with a record 135 members and guests attending. Newcomers Reception held at the Junior League House. Membership on June 10, 1999 was 125.

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