Membership on July 1, 2013 was 150. This was our first full year with our new adopted school, White Station Elementary. Programs for the school included the dictionary project, landscaping, tutoring, perfect attendance awards, Teacher of the Year, Girls in Pearls and Guys in Ties. Sharon Henderson was named Teacher of the Year. Golf Tournament was moved to Windyke Country Club and joined with Gift of Life, which proved to be financially successful. The RCME Foundation fund raising drive surpassed its goal of $25,000. The Dunavant Awards program was held at the Holiday Inn at the University of Memphis and had an attendance of 500 plus with U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander as the keynote speaker. Judge Chris Craft was the elected winner and Collierville Town Administrator James Lewellen was the non-elected winner. The Dunavant Symposium at the University of Memphis had approximately 50 in attendance with 20 sponsored by the city and 20 sponsored by the county. Seven 11th graders were sponsored by RCME to the Rotary Youth Leadership Academy at Whispering Woods in Olive Branch. Our involvement with both Interact at Overton High School and Rotaract at the University of Memphis continues to expand. RCME received the Presidential Citation with Distinction from RI and District 6800.
Holiday Party was held at the home of Judy and David Leake with the Newcomers Reception held at Chickasaw Country Club. Bob Chandler was named Rotarian of the Year. Membership on June 30, 2014 was 145.