
East Memphis Rotary History - 2007-2008


President Anne Halloran
Vice President Nancy Fechter
Secretary Michael Walker
Treasurer Mike Pelech
President-Elect Neal Graham
Past President Joyce Lower
Sergeant-at-Arms Tom Bowers

Board of Directors

  • Anita Vaughn
  • Carolyn Wills
  • Charlie Quinn
  • Chris McDermott
  • Dale McGee
  • Janie Day
  • John Seabold
  • Leighanne Hart
  • Robert Morehead
  • Steve Brown
  • Tom Wilson
  • Tracy Chism

District Governor

Jennie Hibbard, Corinth, MS

Rotary International President

Wilfred J. Wilkinson

Total membership on July 1, 2007 was 153.  Our ongoing support of Georgia Avenue Elementary School continued under the leadership of Dale McGee. For the third year dictionaries were distributed to all third graders.  80 students received Angel Tree gifts.  Opal Hart-Dukes was named Teacher of the Year. The new Gift of Life project was fully implemented with four children receiving heart surgery.  One from Jamaica, one from Uganda, and two from Honduras. The program has gained support from clubs in District 6800.   The fifth annual Bobby Dunavant Public Servant Awards luncheon was held in July, 2008 at The Peabody Hotel with an attendance of 550.   Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour was the keynote speaker.  Brian Kuhn, Shelby County Attorney’s office was the non-elected award recipient with Bartlett Mayor Keith McDonald receiving the elected award.    Holiday party was held at the home of Anne and Pat Halloran with the Newcomer’s Reception held in May at LaPavillon.  In February members were invited to a reception after which everyone attended the play, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, hosted by the Hallorans.  Quarterly social get-togethers were held.   The RCME Foundation raised a total of $27,300. Eight Paul Harris Fellows were awarded.  The golf tournament held at Germantown Country Club was a success raising approximately $17,000 for Georgia Avenue and other service projects.  Dale McGee was named Rotarian of the Year.  Sadly RCME lost two members in 2008, Tony Parker and Brother Vincent Malham.   Membership on June 30, 2008 was 137.

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