Attendance – The committee promotes hospitality for club members and guests, handles check-in procedures before meetings, and coordinates the system for exchanging banners with other Rotary Clubs.
Membership & Classification – The committee assists club members in identifying and recruiting prospective members, processes applications for membership, determines classifications of members, and provides current information to the club about membership criteria and unfilled classifications.
Fellowship Activities – The purpose of the committee is to promote acquaintance and friendship among club members and to encourage their participation in Rotary service projects and social events. The committee organizes a variety of activities, including a golf tournament, holiday party, and newcomer’s reception during the year.
Care and Concern – The committee highlights the accomplishments of members and provides expressions of sympathy, congratulations, and encouragement to members on behalf of the club.
Rotary Information – Through brief orientation meetings, the committee provides new members with an overview of Rotary International and an introduction to the Rotary Club of Memphis East. Committee members provide literature about Rotary, follow up with sponsors and new members during the early months of membership, and assist new members in choosing their club committee assignments.