
East Memphis Rotary History - 2001-2002


President Jim Weeks
Vice President Wilson Blake
Secretary Terry Dunger
Treasurer Rick Webb
President-Elect Doug Gordon
Past President Bill Phillips
Sergeant-at-Arms Byron Winsett

Board of Directors

  • Bill Hackmeyer
  • Doug Lindgren
  • Jack Quinlan
  • Joyce Lower
  • Kelly McGuire
  • Larry Colbert
  • Lee Webb
  • Nancy Fechter
  • Rob Black
  • Ron Hansen
  • Sonya Barham
  • Vicki Docauer/Jim King

District Governor

Tom Patterson, Southaven, MS

2001-2002 Club History/Activities

Total membership on June 30, 2001 was 130.  The Miracle League project was started in partnership with the Memphis Boys Athletic Association.  The Rotaract Club of the University of Memphis was chartered.  The RCME Foundation continued to grow its endowment fund due to fund-raising campaign that garnered over $40,000.  The RCME Committee Expo, in which the different committees set up tables to inform members of various activities, was used as the club assembly program.  The golf tournament was moved from the spring to the fall.  The Holiday Open House was held at the Junior League House on December 6 in conjunction with a White Elephant Silent Auction with the proceeds raised benefiting the Miracle League.  The Newcomers Reception was held in May at the Junior League House and the GSE team from Norway attended and presented a slide show.  The Georgia Avenue Teacher of the Year was Maxine Kirby, Ed.D.  Citizen of the Year was Ken Bennett, director Streets Ministry.  Jim Lattimore was named Rotarian of the Year.  Two club members Kelli Simmons and Bob Ratton, were married.  This Rotary year will be most remembered for the tragic events of September 11, 2001.  Especially  during trying times, the worth  of being a member of the Rotary Club of Memphis East is so important.  

Total membership on June 30, 2002 was 126.

Upcoming Meetings