2005-2006 Club History/Activities
Total membership on July 1, 2005 was 141. With the purpose of developing stronger friendship among members, President Norris McGehee hosted three major social events at his home. Monthly dutch-treat socials were held at various locations throughout the city, further developing camaraderie among the membership. The third annual Bobby Dunavant Public Servant Awards luncheon was held on March 29th with approximately 700 attendees at The Peabody Hotel. Frederick W. Smith was the keynote speaker. Dorothy Osradker was awarded the non-elected award posthumously and Shelby County Mayor A C Wharton was honored as the elected public servant. The club went on two field trips, one to St. Jude and one for a private tour of the new Northwest Passage at the Memphis Zoo. The club supported a new project, the Honduras Water project. Georgia Avenue projects continued with 92 students receiving Angel Tree gifts. Oran Rosario was named Teacher of the Year. The Dictionary project was established, with all fifth grade students receiving a dictionary for their personal use. Two $1,000 scholarships were awarded to Craigmont Interact students. RCME hosted the Zone Institute in Memphis with past district governors from 15 states, and President McGehee served as host for the opening plenary session for District 6800 Conference. Foundation fund drive raised $28,575. The Dunavant Golf Classic was held at Germantown Country Club with 30 teams. Bill Pickens was named Rotarian of the Year and 11 Paul Harris Fellows were awarded. Membership on June 30, 2006 was 140.